Stockton Takes Action Against Retail Theft (STAART) has begun!
The purpose of the STAART program is to address the serious epidemic devastating our business community, costing our business community a tremendous amount of money, time, and future revenue. Moreover, public and employee safety is compromised. Accordingly, the STAART program will leverage existing efforts in combating retail theft in Stockton by proactively engaging in activities and actions to mitigate crime. STAART activities will include educational workshops and conference, simplifying incident reporting through the development of an App, and producing PSAs for social media platforms, among other activities.
The Chamber is the largest business organization in Stockton and San Joaquin County, The Chamber’s mission is to aggressively promote an economically vibrant business community. The STAART program strengthens the Chamber’s efforts, for business security and prosperity, and to determinedly pursue solutions to this paramount obstacle to an economic vibrant Stockton, is consistent with the Chamber’s Charter.
Thus, the STAART program objective is to optimize the existing Business Watch program through total business participation and innovation. Again, as the largest business organization in Stockton and San Joaquin County, the Chamber is uniquely positioned to administer the STAART initiative in partnership with law enforcement and other stakeholders.
Get involved! The next STAART Task Force meeting will be on Friday, March 1 at 8:30 a.m. in the Chamber Conference Room. Contact Frank J. Ferral, Chief Policy Officer at for more information or additions to the Agenda.
I Call to Order, Introductions, Acting Chair Eric Vaughn
II Check Presentation: Paul Canepa, San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors
III Assembly Member Juan Alanis, Vice Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Retail Theft
IV Jim Vierra, E3 Security Training Academy
V Eric Vaughn, One Eleven Web Design-App Development
VI Proposed Workshops
How to be a good witness
How to Report a Retail Theft (April 27 @ 8:30 a.m.)
Best Practices to prevent Retail Theft
How to start a business watch program
Employee Training
Technology/Surveillance Systems
Access Control (Safeway example)
Physical Store Layout
VII Adjourn

Date and Time
Friday Apr 5, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT
445 W Weber Ave. Stockton, CA 95203
Contact Information
Chief Policy Officer, Frank Ferral
Send Email